Thursday, June 23, 2022

Pastor Aaron Matthew Thompson, Sure Foundation Baptist Church, Vancouver


Aaron Thompson preaches at Sure Fire Baptist Church. (Photo Credit: Sure Foundation Baptist Church)

According to the Sure Foundation Baptist Church website, hate preacher, Aaron Thompson was ordained by infamous Sacramento hate preacher Rodger Jimenez. Sure Foundation Baptist was a satellite church for Jimenez's Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, CA. In 2020, Thomson broke away from Verity and formed Sure Fire in 2020 (
(Business registration)

Finding Thompson's sermons online can be difficult. Most videos of him preaching end up on Bitchute, a site known for posting hate speech content. In a June 13, 2021 sermon entitled "God Hates Pride," Thompson claims that society has deemed (rightfully so) anything hateful as "bad." "They want us to love things we should hate. They want us to love sodomy. They want us to love abortion... God hates abortion. God hates liars. God hates homosexuals. God hates the sin of pride."  According to Thompson, God hates a lot of people. ("God Hates Pride", June 13, 2021)

Later that same year, Thompson gave an anti-LGTBIA+ sermon called The Sodomite Infiltration and Infestation. In this particular sermon, Thompson begins by calling the Trans community "Freaks" and discussing the high suicide rate in the community, "it's okay [trans individuals] go ahead and kill yourselves. He then complains about how the adoption system has been infiltrated by "gays and lesbians" who are abusing and grooming children. In an editorial decision, we decided not to post the video of this sermon because we worry about this blog being taken down. You can view the video at Bitchute.

To further the incestuous relationships among the IFB churches, Aaron is married to Sherry Lynn Thompson. According to their bio on the church website, the couple has four children. 

One of them, Jessamayn, is married to hate preacher Dillon Awes. The two have at least one child. 


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Roger Otomiel Jimenez; Verity Baptist Church Sacramento, CA

 Pastor Roger Jimenez and his wife, Joanne 
(photo credit: Verity Baptist Church)

In his bio, Jimenez states that he was born in Venezuela and immigrated to the US as a child. He was raised in the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) church, eventually enlisting in the United States Air Force. Jimenez, like most preachers in the IFB has never had formal training for the ministry; however, he claims he learned from his pastor in a local church while on active duty. 

Roger Jimenez is a dangerous hate preacher. In an interview in 2020, Jimenez said he wished more people had been killed in the Orlando nightclub massacre. According to Heavy News, Jimenez praised the shooter who attacked The Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. "Are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today? Um, no. I think that's great. I think Orlando, Florida, is a little safer tonight. The tragedy is that more of them didn't die. The tragedy is I'm kind of upset he didn't finish the job - because these people [gays and lesbians] are predators. They are abusers.

When asked by a local news station to clarify his comments. Jimenez responded that he wished more gay people had been killed. 

Videos of church services at Verity Church have been steadily declining. Videos from the church's YouTube channel show very few people consistently attend Jimenez's church.  

Jimenez, in an attempt to bring more people into his church create a dating program. 

First, Jimenez opened Pure and Pleasent Organic Beauty Products to pay the bills left by his declining church attendance. That company was closed in 2016.

Once that business failed, Jimenez and his wife have been relegated to selling stickers, greeting cards, and coloring books on his personal YouTube channel, Help4TheHome.


Friday, June 17, 2022

"Pastor" Sean Feucht (UPDATE June, 27, 2022)


Pastor John "Sean" Christopher Feucht, Redding California
(Image credit:

WARNING: Sean Feucht is a dangerous "preacher." Aside from preaching hate, Sean has no issues siding with militia-type groups and frequently uses them as security at his events. 

Pastor Sean Feucht (real name John "Sean" Christopher Feucht) and his wife, Katie Ann, came to our attention via an anonymous tip. Feucht brought his "Hold the Line" group to Colorado Springs for the "Hold the Line Conference" in Colorado Springs, CO, on May 20, 2022. According to the Colorado Times Reporter, Feucht was joined on stage by Rep. Lauren Boebert, among other neofascist politicians. 

Feucht is a new brand of pastor in a relatively small sect of Christianity called the Independent Network Charismatic (INC). The INC isn't necessarily a specific movement on its own; it is more a movement within the Evangelical and Pentecostal churches. Rather than rely on a traditional model of an overarching "head" that filters down (the Catholic Church: The Pope has full and complete power over the church), the INC church relies on a "network" of churches. You no longer have to wear your Sunday best to attend church. 

Feucht did make a run for a "non-partisan" California district 3 Congress in 2020 but lost badly.

So, Feucht took his show on the road. Co-opting the murder of George Floyd, Feucht was one of many INC pastors who chose to use his memorial as a "conversion" site. 

When Disney spoke against Florida's "Don't say gay" bill, Feucht was one of the first to protest the company's stance at its Disneyland California. The Los Angeles Blade quoted Feucht, "We call for every wall of perversion to come down in Jesus' name. We call for every wall to strip the innocence of our kids to come down. God, we pray that you would expose Disney for what it is, expose this corporation, bring everything that's been hidden come to light."

Sadly, Feucht's homophobia and transphobia continue to this day.

Feucht likes to exploit people's pain and preach hate to our LGBTQAI+ brothers and sisters. It's time to expose him. 

Like most Christian grifters, Feucht has quite the collection of business. 

His first business was Burn 24-7, inc

Seah Feucht Ministries, Inc

ProPublica does keep track of Sean Feucht Ministeis, Inc. Being a grifter preacher pays well... even if no one else is getting paid.


Finding information about Light a Candle is challenging to find. However, does have a brief review. 

Seems grifting Christians is good for the pocketbook. While Feucht's ministries usually post a loss of income every year (see above), Sean has a propensity for rental properties. 

Sean Feucht Rental Properties:
Rental Property 3108 Harvard Ave Camp Hill PA Owner: John C & Katie Feucht 1506 Letchworth Rd Camp Hill, PA owner: John Christopher Feucht 8 S 16th St Camp Hill, PA Owner: John Christopher & Katie Ann Feucht 14 S 17th St Camp Hill, PA Owner: John C Feucht 1716 Locust St New Cumberland PA Owner: John Feucht 435 Reno Ave New Cumberland PA Owner: John C Feucht

As we dug deeper, we discovered that Feucht Ministries did apply and receive PPP money due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

BREAKING: Jonathan Caleb Collier Leak Text Messages Reveal He's a Naughty Boy


Jonathan Caleb Collier, Church and State Christian Political Talk Show

Remember last time we wrote about Jonathan Caleb Collier it was about his homophobia and his attack on Target. In the target attacks, Collier claims that Target "targets children" to "force the homosexual agenda."

A fellow comrade reached out. They had some information to add and quickly sent this author screenshots of text messages sent by what appears to be Jonathan Caleb Collier. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Pastor John Mark Burns, televangelist, Co-Founder & CEO of NOW Television


(Image credit:

Pastor Burns was a small-town preacher at the Harvest Planes Praise and Worship Center in Easley, South Carolina until he became one of Donald Trump's most prominent surrogates. 

During a Trump rally, Pastor Burns railed against Sen. Bernie Sanders, saying that Sanders, who is Jewish, "got to get saved." Later, Burns walked back that statement, saying that his remarks "had nothing to do with [Sander's] faith, religion, or conversion to Christianity."

Later, when giving the benediction at the opening of the Republican National Convention in July 2016, Burns referred to Donald Trump as a "man of God." 

Later in the Convention, Burns gave a speech declaring "All Lives Matter," a counter-protest to the Black Live Matter protest. 

After the January 6th Insurrection at the US Capital, Pastor Burns blamed Antifa for the deadly riot.

After Pastor Burns' failed run at Congress in 2018 to replace Trey Gowdy's seat, he announced a second run for Congress in 2022.

In an interview, Mark Burns laid out his agenda. Burns claims that the LQBTQIA+ community is a threat to national security. He inferred they were "treasonous" to the US Constitution and should be prosecuted for such. 

Since Burns's identity as a hate preacher has been uncovered, it is only fair to expose Burns's media/Christofascist empire.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

More on Pastor Gabriel B. Blomgren

Pastor Gabriel (Gabe) B. Blomgren

As our researchers dug deeper into Hate Preacher Gabe, there isn't much that hasn't already been published. 


Pastor Gabe did post his resume online.  He doesn't seem to have much experience in anything except hate speech. 

In September 2017, Gabe and his wife, Jill, incorporated EKLEKTOS GROUP, LLC, 

Gabe is also an initial member of the board of directors at Matt Shea's On Fire Ministries/Kingdon Christian Academy.

Pastor Gabriel B Blomgren & Jonathan Caleb Collier, Church and State Podcast, On Fire Ministries

Jonathan Caleb Collier, Spokane WA

In June 2016, after some upheaval in the Spokane Valley City Council regarding the termination and eventual firing of the city manager, Mike Jackson, on the City Council. Collier was interviewed to replace him.

According to the Inlander Blog, Collier is "a postman with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history. He's a former non-commissioned officer in the U.S. Marine Corps, and a precinct committee officer for the Republican Party. He lists Spokane County Treasurer Rob Chase as a reference and says he wants to address the public safety environment, infrastructure and promoting a business-friendly climate."

Collier was chosen to replace Jackson; however, in an election campaign to remain on the city council, Collier lost his seat in 2017. 

In a recent Facebook Live video (sponsored by the Epoch Times), aside from admitting to being homophobic (2:20 mark), Collier claims Mitch McConnell is a traitor (7:45) and "Patriot Front" (14:23) is a front "run by the feds" (16:14); it seems Blomgren and Collier do not like On Fire Ministries being associated with Patriot Front.

Collier and Blomgren also claim that Target is grooming children to be sex slaves, Dr. Fauci is secretly being paid over $350mil, and  the January 6th insurrection was actually an effort to "entrap patriots." 

Both Collier and Blomgren were in attendance at a counter-protest in Coeur d'Alene during the city's Pride celebration. Blomgren is quoted in The Lewiston Tribune stating, "We do not hate the person," Gabe Blomgren, pastor at On Fire Ministries in Spokane, said through a megaphone outside the Coeur d'Alene Public Library. "God, but we hate the sin of homosexuality … this is the grooming of children."

To the extent that Collier and Blomgren are traitors to God and humanity, on their podcast, they espouse the new "Dark MAGA" idea pushed by disgraced and homophobic former Rep. Madison Cawthorn. 

If you are interested, Collier and Blomgren's podcast, Church and State: Christian Political Talk Show, is on Youtube.

MORE: More About Gabe Blomgren

              BREAKING: Jonathan Caleb Collier Leak Text Messages Reveal He's a Naught Boy

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Pure Words Baptist Church, Ryan and Duncan Urbanek


Ryan Urbanek

                                                                Duncan Urbanek

Pure Words Baptist Church
14567 S Main St, 
Houston, TX 77035
(806) 672-8429

The many preachers at Stedfast/Living Words Baptists churches are Ryan and Duncan Urbanek.

It is difficult to find videos of Duncan preaching. However, Ryan's sermon on Pure Words Baptist Church is titled The Great Reset. In this sermon, Ryan believes that The Great Reset is a Biblical prophecy bringing the end to time.

Pure Words Baptist Church is another in the Pastor Jonathan Shelley collection. 

Pure Words Baptist Church, Dillon Austin Awes

    Dillon Austin Awes

Pure Words Baptist Church, Inc
14567 S Main St.
Houston, TX 77035
(832) 767-4436

Pastor: Brother Dillon Awes (Stedfast employee, preaches in Shelley's absence)
Director: Jonathan Shelley
Director: Keri Shelley
Director: Trey Shelley
Tax ID: 32067909476

Officially, Jonathan Shelley is named as the head pastor; however, it appears the church's day-to-day operations are handled by "Brother" Dillon Austin Awes. 

Brother Dillon made global headlines when he delivered a sermon proclaiming the final solution to the LGTBQAI+ community was death. Awe said that they ("homosexuals") should be "lined up in the street and shot in the back of the head."

In a Christian Nationalist's wet dream sequence, Stedfast Baptist Church, the parent church of Pure Words (Houston), edited parts of Awe's sermon "Why we won't shut up" with clips from Michael Redford's 1984 adaptation of Orwell's 1984.

As global condemnation for Awe's sermon grew, he became more extreme and declared a "Jihad on the infidels persecuting Stedfast Baptist Church."

Awe is married to Jessamayn Anderson, the daughter of hate preacher Aaron Matthew Thompson.

StedFast Baptist Church, Pastor Jonathan Shelley


Pastor Jonathan Shelley

Stedfast Baptist Church

Stedfast Baptist Church
700 West Euless Bedford Road
Suite A
Hurst, Texas 76053
(682) 253-0422


Stedfast Baptist Church
6444 Northwest Expressway #227
Oklahoma City, OK 73123
(682) 253-0466

Lead Pastor/Director: Johnathan Shelley
Director: Kerry Shelley
Director: Ryan Urbanek
Tax Status: 501c3 Non-profit

Facebook: REMOVED

Stedfast Baptist Church is designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an Anti-LGTBQIA+ "Hate" church. 

The church began in Ft. Worth, Texas, and expanded into Oklahoma. The brainchild of "Pastor" Donnie Romero. Romero resigned in January of 2019 Donnie Romero resigned when he admitted to various "sins" including gambling, using marijuana, and hiring prostitutes. That same January, Pastor Johnathan Shelly was ordained (and remains) as the church's new Pastor. Currently Pastor Shelly is completing a series of Homophobic shorts on YouTube titled "The Sodomites Deception."


Recently, in Shelley's zeal to demonize every church (except those his and other Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Church), he visited the First Methodist Church in downtown Austin, Texas. 

UPDATE: Matt Shea Defends "Daddy" Matt Buster's White Supremacist Sons

UPDATE: We recently received a video tip from TicToc. In the video, Shea asks "Daddy" Matt Buster and his son "Sheal" Buster to make various announcements at On Fire Ministries.

Mishael "Sheal" Joshua Buster; Spokane, WA

Josiah Daniel Buster, Watauga, TX

Saturday, June 11, 2022, 31 members of the White Supremacist/Christofascist group Patriot Front were arrested and charged with "Conspiracy to Riot" when their rented U-Haul was pulled over by Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

Recently, The Spokesman-Review posted an article titled "Matt Shea claimed U-Haul in CdA was filled with Antifa. But among those arrested was a man who attended his church."


After being excommunicated by Ken Peter's The Church at Planned Parenthood (TCAPP), Matt Shea is the pastor of On Fire Ministries and Kingdom Christian Academy, an extremist church born from the Fundamentalist Baptist Church. Matt Buster was his right-hand man in the building of his new church and led the "Real Men's Ministry."

According to a local document search, Matthew Buster and his wife, Diane, welcomed Joshua into the world on October 2, 1997

In The Spokesman-Review article, Josuah and Misheal are reported to be brothers.  

Additionally, numerous cars were parked outside Matt and Diane Buster's home on June 11. The vehicles appear to belong to several Patriot Front members participating in the attempted riot.

Additionally, the cover photo in's online photo shows police confiscating a megaphone from one of the Patriot Front members arrested. 

The "Abolish the F.B.I" sticker is one commonly posted by Patriot Front members on many Telegram Channels (like Patriot Front Promotional Materials) run by Patriot Front Leader Thomas Ryan Rousseau and his followers. 

Matt Shea is a Liar.

Mark Alan Driscoll; "Alleged" Racketeer, Abuser, Plagiarist, Misogynist

  ( Mark Driscoll and his wife, Grace ) We can agree that all of the pastors discussed in this blog are grifters of varying degr...