Thursday, June 16, 2022

Pastor John Mark Burns, televangelist, Co-Founder & CEO of NOW Television


(Image credit:

Pastor Burns was a small-town preacher at the Harvest Planes Praise and Worship Center in Easley, South Carolina until he became one of Donald Trump's most prominent surrogates. 

During a Trump rally, Pastor Burns railed against Sen. Bernie Sanders, saying that Sanders, who is Jewish, "got to get saved." Later, Burns walked back that statement, saying that his remarks "had nothing to do with [Sander's] faith, religion, or conversion to Christianity."

Later, when giving the benediction at the opening of the Republican National Convention in July 2016, Burns referred to Donald Trump as a "man of God." 

Later in the Convention, Burns gave a speech declaring "All Lives Matter," a counter-protest to the Black Live Matter protest. 

After the January 6th Insurrection at the US Capital, Pastor Burns blamed Antifa for the deadly riot.

After Pastor Burns' failed run at Congress in 2018 to replace Trey Gowdy's seat, he announced a second run for Congress in 2022.

In an interview, Mark Burns laid out his agenda. Burns claims that the LQBTQIA+ community is a threat to national security. He inferred they were "treasonous" to the US Constitution and should be prosecuted for such. 

Since Burns's identity as a hate preacher has been uncovered, it is only fair to expose Burns's media/Christofascist empire.

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