Friday, June 10, 2022

Hate has a Home Here

In the beginning, Man created God:
and in the image of Man
create he him.

And Man gave unto God a multitude of 
names, that he might be Lord of all
the earth when it was suited to Man
(Jethro Tull, 1971)

Religion, at its heart, is a form of mass population control. While all religions have some aspect of primary social control (don't kill, don't lie, etc.), Christianity, particularly those denominations discussed in this blog, has taken social control to an entirely new level.

Christianity is the only one of 5 of the world's largest belief systems to create a concept of Hell. Usually described as a pit of fire and brimstone, constant pain, emotional commotion, etc., generally not a place one wants to do.  

Here is the thing, no one really knows. No one knows if Hell exists or not. I was speaking with a friend the other day about this. My friend is an evangelical, "born again," Christian. I asked him how he knew Hell existed. 

My friend said, "Well, because the Bible tells it does."
Me: Okay, but how do you KNOW? Like, have you ever met anyone that has actually been there? Like, did they die and come back? Did they tell everyone their stories?

My friend thought about it and said, "No, I don't know anyone?
Me: Has your pastor?
My friend: No, I don't think so

And that's where the conversation ended. 

And that is the point. No one knows if there is a Hell or not. It's all just stories told in a book written by men (albeit "Divinely Inspired"). I know "I'll get hate for this, but even the most conservative of theologians will agree that Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John were not written by God.)

Imagine, though, if an all-seeing, all being, all judging being was constantly watching you? That diety: that being could send you to Hell at their whim, with no second chances. 

Jonathan Edwards was one of the earliest of these Brimstone and Hellfire-style preachers (1703-1758). 

In his sermon, "Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God" (July 8th, 1741), Edwards describes an angry and vengeful God. This version of God is spiteful and angry, ready to cast man into the pits of Hell at any time of His choosing. 

Now, I don't know about you, my readers, but if a leader of the church I attended told me that God was watching, waiting for me to break a rule (read Commandment) to toss me into eternal torture; I probably do everything I can to ensure I didn't break and rules.

Inherent Problems:

As with any language, words tend to lose meaning or be mistranslated as a text is rewritten in multiple languages. For example, In Exodus 14 (KJV), Moses parts the Red Sea as he leads the Israelites from Egypt to The PromiseLand." Only, it wasn't the Red Sea. In Aramaic (Biblical Hebrew), the original language of the Bible, Moses is credited for parting the Reed Sea over what is now the Sinai Peninsula.

Because of these mistranslations, sadly for many Christians, a small group of denominations has weaponized the Bible to spread hate. 

In the following pages, you will find links to these Hate Churches and their leaders. While we do not condone any violence against these people and their church, we encourage you to ask the church pastors and their parishioners questions and condemn these churches and parishioners wherever they are found. 

In the beginning, Man Created God.

Hate Churches Exposed:

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Mark Alan Driscoll; "Alleged" Racketeer, Abuser, Plagiarist, Misogynist

  ( Mark Driscoll and his wife, Grace ) We can agree that all of the pastors discussed in this blog are grifters of varying degr...