Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Elijah Schaffer: Podcasting Grifter Extraordinaire

Elijah and Kenzia Shaffer

We came across Elijah while researching Sean Feucht. Feucht is a part of the new wave of anti-LGTBQIA+, transphobic, and often racist, charismatic movement of the Christian church. 

Schaffer leaves a HUGE digital footprint. Information about him is relatively easy to find but raises questions. 

Elijah claims he grew up "in the streets of Los Angeles." He also said that he was brought up in the church by his father, "Pastor" John K Schaffer. His father leads First Love Calvary Church in Whittier, California, a small suburb south of LA.  

It should be noted that the median income of Whittier is around $95,000 a year. Average house prices average around $500,000.

Like most Indepentent Fundamentalist Baptists/Charamastics, First Love Calary played the persecution game during the COVID-19 pandemic. While schools, many business, and government employees moved to working from home, John decided he was too good for that and amassed a few fines for holding services while a lockdown was in place for ALL places of worship. To pay for the fines his father was assessed, Schaffer began a GoFundMe page calling it "unfair government treatment of the church." 

Shortly after, Schaffer invited known Christofascist Sean Feucht to his Blaze Media podcast "Slightly Offensive." In an episode entitled "Messy Christianity: Crushing ANTIFA and The Antichrist with Boldness," Feucht and Shaffer complain about the "persecution" of Christians and begin a discussion...and then Schaffer discusses his rejection from the church in 2018 for "just messing up and getting involved in weird sexual morality."

Later, in an episode titled "NO More Gay Orgies," claimed, wrongfully so, that Monkey Pocs is a "gay disease."  

And who can forget episode 270, "Big Booty Latina (AOC) Threatens to Deck Alex Stein." 

It seems Shaffer is a mysogenist as well as being homophobic and transphobic.

For all of this, Shaffer's podcast only earns approximately $33,000. 


Elijah Schaffer married Kezia in his father's church January, 12 2020. His mother, Maureen, invited the entire world to come celebrate their nuptials. 
Sadly,Maureen passed away 6 months later. 

Kezia seems to be no better than Eijah in the grift/hate worlds. Going by the name @krocs_on on Twitter, she is a frequent guest on Elijah's podcast. In this particular episode, Kezia hurled insults and ad hominem attacks as progressive women.

Like her husband, Kezia also believe that COVID-19 was fake. 

 We'll be posting more about Elijah and Kezia Shaffer as more is uncovred. 

Let this serve as a warning. If you are preacher or claim to be a "child of God" and choose to preach hate you will be found. We will expose you.


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